Friday, November 23, 2007

Thing #19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

I'm happy that the tool that won my little feed contest a few Things ago (Technorati) also won 1st place under Blog Guides.

One of my friends is in computer school right now and has thanked me for sending her the list of web 2.0 awards. Her professor is talking about all these things too.

I'm going to explore 43 things and write up my observations. It wants me to decide what to do with my life. "Sleep" doesn't seem to be an option, so I'll need to think about this a bit. Maybe learn reiki. I'll write more later.


The reiki link in 43 things was gone the next time I checked and now the short list and full list are both down. This seems to be a list for browsing, although it can be searched if you create an account. I'll have to come back to this one.

EDIT: The site is back up. I've given up on reiki, and chosen "live in a foreign country" instead. I chose this because America is the 4th country that I've lived in.

I read all the comments by various people and I agree that living in another country is extremely mind expanding. Some things that are considered to be inherent truths in one country are not in another. It was interesting to see that many of those who post about living in other countries also have military experience. I grew up in the military. This experience makes working for Queens easier - being transferred around the borough seems natural to me.

There are user questions at the bottom. One person asks if you need to quit your job to live in another country. One of the reasons that I decided to become a librarian is that it allows me to live in work in Canada, America or Mexico. It's very exciting to be in NYC and staying in one place is a brand new experience as well.

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