Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thing #10 Play Around with Image Generators

This would be a strange street sign to come across, I think. But I suppose it is safer not to read while driving.
Street Sign Generator http://wigflip.com/easystreet/

I wouldn't mind having my own diamond shop.
Custom Neon Sign Generator http://www.neonmirrors.com/custom/

Chocolate Bar Generator http://www.glassgiant.com/chocolate_bar/
I think this is my favorite one. Go chocolate! It's also a great segue into another whine about my tummy flu. I hope I am better enough to eat candy before Halloween. I'm only allowed toast now.

Some observant readers may be thinking - hey, didn't you have a flu last week? Yes, and it's the same one! And it has to be completely gone before I can get my flu shot.

I generated five images, but I could only upload three. I made a very pretty plate, but I couldn't save it. The comments said to press 'print screen' but I'm on a mac laptop, which doesn't have a button that says that. I didn't try pressing the apple, and there are tons of pictures on the function keys, I just don't know what they do.
I also made a Hermione doll, a cartoon character and a doll whose makeup, eye and hair color I chose. I couldn't save her to upload either.

This would be a great program for our BOOST kids, but I have 50 of them and only four computers. The crowd of fifty are afterschool kids, so they aren't there on Saturdays. Maybe a Saturday program.

Look - I fixed it! The words aren't all over the images. Making the images was easy, but dumping them here was a little harder. The hardest part was the re-editing so the text wasn't hitting the pictures. But, I did it.